thanks for stopping by our new blog!
we are robin and erin. we chat online at work during the week and give each other projects to complete. sometimes i fax her drawings, and she snail mails me things from her desk. at home we make each other books and yesterday robin gave me a styrofoam animal nose. also, we find things on google image search all the time, like pictures of baby animals, or hot air balloons, or cats who play instruments, or railroad cars made out of cardboard boxes.
we have decided to expand our personal need for creative projects in an administrative environment to everybody who has a computer. we will post homework assignments for you to do, as well as other things we find in our travels that we think you might enjoy.
please send us anything you complete or want to share for any or no reason at all, either as a comment here or to our gmail account, and we will post it here.
we are very excited and can't wait to see what you create!
legxercise, veinathon, shiny
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