Friday 4 May 2007

naming names:

okay. what would your name be if you were:

1. a pilgrim:
2. living on a mountaintop for ten years at least:
3. an aztec warrior:
4. a train conductor:
5. a polar bear:
6. a hero (regular or super):
7. from alaska:
8. a snake charmer:
9. captain of something:
10. a star in the universe:

just copy and paste that little section there into a comment (see below) and then complete the assignment by first thing monday morning or there will be no recess.


Anonymous said...

1. a pilgrim: catherine moore
2. living on a mountaintop for ten years at least: winston applebee
3. an aztec warrior: jumbalaya
4. a train conductor: roger tannenbaum
5. a polar bear: squiggles
6. a hero (regular or super): meteor bucket
7. from alaska: thomas ginklesnatch
8. a snake charmer: tragic magic
9. captain of something: pastor mexicorn
10. a star in the universe: click-clack

Anonymous said...

a pilgrim: hilbert smith
living on a mt top for 10years at least: butterfly anderson
an aztec warrior: komosquatchino
a train conductor: phil becker
a polar bear: dana
a hero: viola starbrite
from alaska: clyde cole
snake charmer: othello
captain of something: Seargant Grease
A star in the universe: bah bam!